A group of ordinary people
who have been touched by the extraordinary love of Jesus…

You are invited to join us every Sunday morning at
Rehoboth Christian College

10:00 a.m.

92 Kenwick Rd, Kenwick
Western Australia


Our Story

We have been amazed, transformed and gripped by the love God has demonstrated when He sent Jesus into this world to be our Saviour. Now it is our great desire that many more people might experience true life and freedom in a personal relationship with Jesus.

What We Believe

Being Christian means at its heart that we are disciples of Jesus Christ. As Christians we adhere to the historic and universal Christian faith as summed up in the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed.

Our Mission

As a church of Jesus Christ we acknowledge that He is the head of His church, He is the Chief Shepherd.
Our highest goal as a church is to bring glory and honour to God through submitting to Him as our Lord and Saviour, and sharing the message of His salvation.


No matter where you are on your path or what you carry in your heart, our doors are wide open, ready to offer you the love and acceptance that Jesus offers all. Come as you are, and join us in learning more about God and each other.

Serving God together

We believe that serving God is intricately intertwined with serving our community. Through offering a helping hand, supporting local initiatives, and our various programs - we want to be living testimonies of Jesus transformative work in action.

Growing in the love of Christ together.